In-Person & Virtual Worship
Sunday mornings at 10:45 am we gather for worship in the sanctuary as well as live-stream the service so that you may worship in the comfort of your own home. The live-stream is available here or you are encouraged to subscribe to our YouTube page so that you can watch any time. Each service has its own purpose and feel. The variety and diversity of our church family is reflected in our worship experience. Some weeks the feel is more liturgical and reflective and some weeks it feels more like a country church down the road. We’ve worshiped with second century Taize, Hank Williams, Lennon/McCartney and a choir special all on the same Sunday! The Overflow Band can do it all! You’ll find old ways and new to worship and praise God at WMBC. What you can count on each week is an opportunity to experience God in a real way and a scripture-based sermon to challenge, comfort, and encourage. We celebrate communion together the third Sunday of each month and have special Advent, Lenten and Holy Week services each year. Childcare is provided for ages 3 and under. You are welcome to dress as you like, sing loud, pray hard, and enjoy meeting new friends as we worship together.
MASK UPDATE: Masks and safe-distancing are still encouraged but not required. If you are unvaccinated or have any COVID symptoms, we ask that you please stay home to protect both you and others. We thank you so much for your cooperation, your patience, and your willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the safety of your family in Christ.