Meadows Preschool

Enrollment and Payment Policies 2021-2022


To reserve a space in Meadows Preschool turn the following to the preschool office:

  • Enrollment Form (ALL blanks completed). You can request a form from Pastor Cyndi

  • Enrollment Fee. This is a non-refundable check made out to WMBC


To complete enrollment (due by August 9, 2021):

  • A Certificate of Health - to be updated with each birthday

  • An up to date Immunization Record - bring a copy to be kept in the office.


Payment Policies

Enrollment is a financial commitment to begin August 2021 and go through May 2022.

  • The total cost of the preschool session has been divided into nine equal tuition payments to be paid monthly August 2021-April 2022. Families enrolling after August will pay tuition through May 2022.

  • The tuition paid in August 2021 is a non-refundable tuition payment for May 2022.

  • The first tuition payment is due on or before August 9, 2021.

  • Tuition is due Aug. 9, 2021 and then each month following – April or May 2022.

  • Tuition paid after the 1st full week of each month, will have a late fee of 15. added.

  • Tuition must be paid in the month that it is due. Failure to pay tuition in the month that it is due could result in the child being dropped from preschool.

  • If a situation arises that prevents you from paying when due; talk w/ Pastor Cyndi.

  • A written request with a four-week notice is required to properly withdraw a child or drop days. Families are responsible for tuition for the four weeks following the written notice. This policy includes Early Birds and Kids Club.

  • After July 19, 2021, there will be a drop fee of $25.00, for each day or program dropped.

After July 26, 2020, a full month’s tuition payment will be due for dropped days.

  • Checks can be made payable to W. M. B. C.

  • Children absent for two weeks, without notification given to Pastor Cyndi, can result in the child being dropped from the preschool.


Note: Bumble Bees & Leap Frogs are toilet independent classes.


Special Dates:

  • Our start date will be announced as soon as HISD has set a date.

  • Meadows Preschool will be closed on H.I.S.D. holidays and in-service days, Good Friday and Easter Monday, as well as the first Th and Fri of February. A yearly calendar will be available at a later date. Meet the Teacher Night will be virtual and posted on our web page or in person, open to families – TBD when possible.

These policies were created during the uncertainty of COVID-19 and may be updated as needed.